We take care of your needs and wishes

based upon our vision and expertise


At ‘BeaMeUp@events’ & ‘StreaMeUp@events’ …

you’ll find a good & affordable solution when you need live video-scoreboarding on LED screen(s) for sport competitions, f.e. Football, Handball or Volleyball.

A standard design can be used, but it becomes really special when applying an original animated video environment, incl. live camera-captures of the game, sponsorships, scores and clocks. Also immediate replay, even in ‘slowmotion’, is a great feature at any important moment…  

We provide the temporary indoor LED screen(s) in many formats, build from the ground or suspended from excisting ceilings, modular truss or towerlifts. Outdoor modular LED screens or mobile LED screens up to 144m², are a great possibility as well.

Content delivery and controlling scores can be done from your rooms or from our ROB Production Van.

See also Big Screens and Broadcasting Sport Competitions.

